CCEM and Prayer
Prayer is crucial to the Christian life! Ephesians 6:18 summarizes things well:
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
We, as an organization and as individual followers of Christ, seek to live this command out each and every day. CCEM does this by continually engaging in prayer – whether it is by asking for direction, praising God for successes, or lifting up the needs of the community. One of the ways CCEM prays for community members is by accepting and praying for requests that are sent to us from the prayer request page on our website.
Previously, we have taken these requests, followed up with the submitter as necessary, and prayed continuously. This structure will stay in place, but we are also expanding our efforts in order to engage the prayer groups that meet on the campus weekly. We believe that we can never have too many people praying for any given prayer request, and we recognize that the prayer groups on the campus are a valuable resource.
We do, however, recognize the importance of privacy, and as a result the prayer request page now has two options that affect how we handle a prayer request. For each request, the submitter can specify whether the request is to stay within the CCEM Team, or if they are comfortable with us sharing that request with the prayer groups on the campus. That control is always in the hands of the submitter, as we take privacy extremely seriously.
So if you ever have a need, a praise, or just want to engage others to pray about something, please utilize the prayer request page on our website. We would love to pray for you!
In Christ,The CCEM Team