Answering Life’s Biggest Questions

Alpha is a 13-week series that freely explores the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. Come relax, connect, and consider life’s biggest questions.

Alpha sessions have been held globally for decades and at various ExxonMobil locations for over twenty years. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend and introduce them to the Christian faith (and reinforce your own).

Alpha 2025 is in full swing!

Each session stands on its own, so you can jump in anytime.

Join us on Zoom via #Alpha Course to stay plugged in with weekly announcements!

Download the recurring meeting invite for the full 13 week series


February 12

February 19

February 26

March 5

March 12

March 19

March 26

April 2

April 5

April 9

April 16

April 23

April 30

May 7

2025 Schedule


Kick-Off! Is there more to life than this?

Who is Jesus?

Why did Jesus die?

How can we have faith?

Why and how do I pray?

Why and how should I read the Bible?

How does God guide us?

How can I resist evil?

Alpha Day Away! (Saturday)

Why and how should we tell others?

Does God heal today?

What about the church?

How can I make the most of my life?



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Offsite (TBC)

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Looking to volunteer?

Looking to help make this great series happen? We could always use an extra set of hands. There are opportunities like Discussion Group Leads, Prayer Warriors, and more.

Why am I here?

You aren’t the only one with questions.
