CCEM Updates
It has been a busy few months for the CCEM Team! God has undoubtedly been at work within our community, connecting 750 brothers and sisters in just over two years! For this reason the CCEM Core Team has gone through strategic planning process to guide our organization. As a result of this process and much prayer, we are excited to share our updated Mission, Vision, and Values with you below:These will guide all our activities and we pray they will edify the community and prosper your relationship with God.In addition, we are eager to roll out the following items resulting from our strategic planning process:
As you may have noticed, our website and newsletter have gotten a makeover! We hope that our updated layouts will help you find what you are looking for more easily and highlight current events and articles.
An important new section that has been added to the website is a list of FAQs, which cover many questions you may have about CCEM.
Finally, we have heard you and your desire to receive more communication. For that reason, we are increasing out formal communication frequency to at least six times a year. Be on the lookout for more informal communication changes coming this year.
God bless!
The CCEM Team