CCEM 2022 Financial Update

Thank You CCEM Members!

Since its inception, CCEM has been an employee run and sponsored community. All community planning and events have been performed by individuals on their personal time and using their personal resources. Many of you have donated your time, talents, or contributed financially over the past year and we would like to say thank you for being a part of what God is doing here on the Houston Campus!

We want CCEM to be a community where all feel welcomed and valued. Our main purpose for each event is to bring the community together in fellowship; to encourage and build the Body of Jesus here on campus. We do not hold fundraising events, nor do we ever solicit for financial contributions.

However, some of you have reached out to us and donated financially to help support CCEM events out of the generosity of your hearts. We are very grateful for this and once again say, thank you! We want you to know that all of your funds go directly towards CCEM events here on the Houston Campus. The CCEM team does its best to be good financial stewards with the resources you have entrusted to us, endeavoring to use each dollar efficiently. In the spirit of transparency, we want to share with you our 2022 Financial Plan and Budget so you know where your financial contribution is serving in the CCEM mission.

You are never required, or expected to give to CCEM in order to participate in any event. However, if the Lord has led you to financially support CCEM you may do so by contributing through the Christian Community at Work and noting that the funds are intended for CCEM.




Reflecting on CCEM’s First Volunteering Event