Thank You Mark Albers!

On March 15th, 2018, Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation, Mark Albers, announced his retirement effective April 1st, 2018. Mark has served more than 38 years at ExxonMobil in various capacities both professionally and personally.

In addition to the various contributions Mark has made to ExxonMobil as a company (you can read his professional biography here), some of Mark’s most significant contributions have been through the personal relationships he has developed with so many throughout his time at ExxonMobil.

While CCEM was still in the early phases of planning, Mark caught wind of the idea of the Christian Community at ExxonMobil and sought out our website to sign up. CCEM had not even been launched yet, but Mark wanted to ensure he was part of it. In fact, Mark is actually listed as member #1 on the CCEM members log as he technically signed up before any of the original organizers did! That is the type of spiritual leader that he is; his support and excitement from the beginning of CCEM encouraged and has continued to encourage our leadership team. However, Mark has been heavily plugged into the Christian Community long before CCEM was even an idea. He has been consistently engaged in events at ExxonMobil like the Global Day of Prayer, Alpha, and Cru Houston (formerly Priority Associates).

He has also served in his local church, and is on the Board of Trustees at Grace School of Theology. Mark has always made it a priority to be connected with brothers and sisters in Christ, both here at ExxonMobil, and in his local community.We at CCEM have heard countless stories from you about how Mark has personally encouraged you through your interactions with him.

He has always been warm, welcoming, a bright light for the Gospel of Jesus, and a great friend. Although Mark is retiring from Exxon Mobil (we will miss him), it is clear that his work for Christ is not over. We know that Mark will continue to show the love of Jesus, and to encourage the Body of Christ for many more years to come. (If you never got the opportunity to hear Mark share his personal testimony, we encourage you to check it out here).

Thank you Mark for all that you have done, and all that you continue to do. Congratulations on your retirement and good luck in the next phase of your ministry!


CCEM Financial Update


Francis Collins Testimony