A Beacon of Light: Ed Glinka
Ed Glinka
Congratulations to our brother in Christ, Ed Glinka on his retirement with over 36 years of service with Exxon Mobil!We also want to thank him for being a beacon of light in the community for many years! Check out the interview below to learn more about how Ed has been glorifying God in the workplace:
CCEM: What parts of the organization have you worked in?
Ed: I have worked in Controller’s all my life but have worked for various groups. I worked in the Downstream for EMRE and for Supply and Transportation. I have worked in the Upstream for Exxon Company International (ECI) in Florham Park, NJ in Financial Reporting and F&O preparation and in EMDC here in Houston in Drilling Financial Services, Process and Controls, and as Sr. Contracts Advisor.
CCEM: We know that you have blessed many people by sending out devotionals to your fellow interested co-workers each month. How long have you been sending out devotionals?
Ed: I have sent out the devotions for the past 12 years here in Houston. We also in Florham Park NJ had a Ministry called “Word of the Day” in which a volunteer would share a Scripture passage and provide some commentary on it. This Word of the Day reached around the world and the distribution list got to well over 200 people!
CCEM: Where did you get the idea to share devotional materials?
Ed: I believe The Holy Spirit was moving me to do it. I was reading and enjoying them and so I began to get this very strong sense that I should share them.
CCEM: Have you found any additional ways to incorporate your faith in your workplace?
Ed: I have my Bible at work which I read and have some religious things in my office. They have at times created discussions (which I am so glad when that happens). I also usually make it a practice to end my conversations with people by saying “God Bless.” That at least gets the other person thinking about God…….and has also started conversations about God.
CCEM: How has incorporating your faith in your work-life impacted you and your walk with the Lord?
Ed: I believe it has strengthened it and increased my faith. The more you share the Lord and His Word with others the stronger your faith becomes and the bolder you become. But I am just like everyone else and have missed opportunities due to fear. That is the one thing that I regret. I shouldn’t have let fear get the better of me during those times when I didn’t share because of fear.
CCEM: Do you have any advice for your younger co-workers?
Ed: Share their faith. Don’t let fear get in the way. God is Faithful and will bless you in your efforts to share.
CCEM: Anything else you would like to share?
Ed: The four greatest ways to develop and strengthen your relationship with the Lord is to Pray daily and throughout the day, Attend Church and Receive Holy Communion weekly, and Read the Bible daily. God will speak to your heart and your relationship with God will grow deeper and stronger which will encourage you to share the Gospel and speak about God to others. Just start by reading a page of the Bible a day or even half a page a day. I strongly encourage everyone to do these things and they will see how God will speak to their heart and how He will work in their life. God’s Blessings to all! Thanks be to God!