CCEM Video Series: Love Your Neighbor

Often the thought of combining our professional and our spiritual life seems awkward and uncomfortable. However, Scripture is full of examples of how God uses people through their work.

Paul himself describes working in a “secular” job in Thessalonica. As a spiritual leader, Paul had more than enough reason to collect monetary support for his spiritual ministry, however for the greater good of his converts in Thessalonica, Paul forfeited that right. He wanted to provide a model of how to live the Christian life in their daily business and routine. He wanted to provide spiritual mentoring in a business environment.

What does it look like to be a spiritual mentor in a business environment? What model did Paul set for us to emulate in the workplace? The text does not say, but we can draw some conclusions from the rest of the Bible. Paul’s goal was to strongly reflect the character of Christ in everything he did in business. The way he loved his coworkers, the way he demonstrated leadership, the way he defined success. These are all things we can do that reflect Christ in the workplace. It is a way of working in ministry, while working in business. It is a way to mentor those younger in the faith about how to reflect a Christ-like character even if conventional culture does not.

In 2016, CCEM wants to encourage all of us here on campus to partake in the ministry opportunity we have here every day. In light of this effort, CCEM has been interviewing various members of our community over the past few months to compile the Living Your Faith at Work video series. This video series will provide examples of ways some of our peers have found to live their faith and to reflect the character of Christ here at work. Our prayer is that these videos will inspire and encourage each of us so that we may become more like Christ here at work.


CCEM Video Series: Servant Leadership


There Is No Law against Love in the Workplace