Welcome 2021!

Brothers and Sisters,

We made it! One of the craziest years in a generation has finally ended and a new year has begun. On one hand, just seeing “2021” on a calendar gives a sense of newness and hope. On the other hand, the challenges of 2020 have not ended simply because of a date change. There is still a heaviness weighing on people, a heaviness that threatens our unity, love, and joy. 

Even within our own company, the impacts of 2020 will continue to be felt in 2021. A lot is changing; many familiar faces that we know and love are no longer going to be seen on campus. There also is a palpable tension for those of us who remain to help the company improve, to turn things around. I feel it, and if I am honest, I worry about how that pressure (and general exhaustion) may impact myself and my co-workers. 

All of that to say, I really believe that our community has a vital role to play in 2021. We need to show Love to everyone at work and in our communities. We need to practice Grace in our interactions, especially during times of pressure and anxiety. Finally, we need to encourage others with Truth. The truth that everyone is valued and priceless. If we do this we will be a light, reflecting the character of Jesus. I strongly believe that through us, the light of Jesus has the power to transform hearts. We can have a positive impact for our company and our community.

Relieving the pressures of 2020 will take all of us. Change starts within each of us through the power of the Holy Spirit, and it starts with re-connecting with God through prayer, time in His Word, and community. That last part, community, has been particularly on the hearts of the CCEM Team. We are getting busier, and taking time for community is getting harder. But the need to connect with Brothers and Sisters is important for each of us; it provides us a source of wisdom during challenges, and encourages our walk, and our light. If you are not currently connected with a Christian community at work, I encourage you to check out one of the various Bible Studies/Prayer groups that meet on campus or virtually. 

Finally, for those of you who will be leaving the company in the coming days, we all want to say thank you! Thank you for your service to ExxonMobil, and thank you for your leadership and modeling of how to live faith in the workplace. We will miss you, but we know that you will continue to have an impact for Jesus with those you interact with in the future. If you would like to stay connected to CCEM, please feel encouraged to sign up for the CCEM mailing list with your personal email address and we will keep you in the loop of what’s going on campus. 

We love you CCEM. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out for prayer or with any general thoughts/needs. We look forward to connecting with you, and working together to be a bright light for Jesus in our community.


The CCEM Team.

1Q2021 CCEM Prayer Focus

Please join the CCEM community in the 1st Quarter of 2021 as we pray for the health and safety, and well-being of our community and country.

  • For the health and safety of our friends and family through the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

  • For those in our community who have been impacted by the recent company reductions.

  • That our community would be intentional with our connections and interactions in 2021. That love, grace, and truth would transform our hearts, and impact our actions; and that those actions would have a positive impact on our company and our communities.

  • To lift up our nation’s leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-3), we pray for the President, Vice President, Congress and Supreme Court, that they may love the law of the Lord (Psalm 1:1-2) and that God provides them wisdom (Ephesians 3:10).


Helping Hands: Here For Support


2020 Christmas Social Recordings